We have a full service Prepress department that uses print-ready PDFs as well as native files to prepare a wide option in proofs and printing methods. We offer graphic design and formatting services to be a one stop partner for you.
File Specifications and Prepress Documentation
Click the links below to download our file specification sheet or to obtain information about FTP software for the Mac or PC.
Perfection File Specification Sheet
Perfection Press FTP Hightail Site Instructions
To send a file to Perfection Press, go to: (there is NO .com at the end of the address.) https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/printedtoperfection
Just follow the easy to use directions to upload files to Perfection Press.
Please email Edward Radanovich, eradanovich@printedtoperfection.com when files have been sent to our FTP.
Sending Test Files
Submitting test files gives Perfection Press an opportunity to check your files and/or graphics for any formatting or design errors that could cause a delay when a job is submitted. If you’re not sure your files are prepared correctly, we recommend that test files be sent before submitting your job so that schedule delays may be avoided. Six to eight pages are sufficient for testing output. Clearly label and document all files submitted and include detailed contact information. If you have any questions, please contact your sales or customer service representative.